Fact-check: Eating a no-sugar diet does not cause cancer cells to 'die naturally' Listen Eating a no-sugar diet does not cause cancer cells to 'die naturally'. Photo: AFP A Thai-language Facebook post claims that eating a sugar-free diet will cause cancer cells to "die naturally". The misleading post, which also claims that hot lemon water and coconut oil cure cancer, has been shared tens of thousands of times. Similar misleading claims have circulated in social media posts from Africa to the United States. But the claims are all false; numerous doctors, cancer charities, and scientific studies all say that eating a sugar-free diet, drinking hot lemon water, and taking spoonfuls of coconut oil are not cures for cancer. The post was published here on a Thailand-based Facebook page on July 8, 2019, where it has been shared more than 39,000 times. The lengthy Thai-language caption translates to English in part as: “#howdocancerpatientsd...
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